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24 et 25 Août 2024

Logo festival des galettes du monde

The world cake festival

This year, we are renewing our participation inWorld Cake Festival in Sainte-Anne d’Auray (56)! This is an opportunity for us to represent our association with our volunteers at a festival welcoming more than 20,000 people each year.Don’t hesitate to join us if you’re in the area! 😉

The history of the Festival des Galettes du monde: "If the commune of Sainte-Anne d'Auray has become over the centuries the main place of pilgrimage in Brittany, the Morbihan city has also forged in recent years a fine reputation in terms of music, gastronomy and solidarity. All thanks to the Les Galettes du Monde Festival, an event that has no equal in Armorique. While every July 26, the Great Pardon of Sainte-Anne sees thousands of pilgrims flock in, the fourth last weekend of August n is not to be outdone. During the 2022 edition, 20,000 festival-goers flocked to the Motten site, to applaud the ever-increasing number of artists on the bill and taste cakes from all countries.

The Les Galettes du Monde Festival is the fruit of sustained and constant associative work since each country association works to improve the quality of life of the populations of their respective countries. The good performance of the Les Galettes du Monde Festival is also due to the investment of the 600 volunteers united around the values of solidarity and mutual aid."

Some photos of our latest participations:

festival galettes du monde association Abuelita Süzel, helps deprived children of Colombia 1
festival galettes du monde association Abuelita Süzel, helps deprived children of Colombia 2
festival galettes du monde association Abuelita Süzel, aide aux enfants démunis de Colombie 3
festival galettes du monde association Abuelita Süzel, helps deprived children of Colombia 5
festival galettes du monde association Abuelita Süzel, aide aux enfants démunis de Colombie 4
festival galettes du monde association Abuelita Süzel, helps deprived children of Colombia 6
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